Grrr... I stumbled on a complete VG/NM (somewhere in there) copy
of "Caverns" for the Atari this year, but the Apple version keeps
slipping away from me.  As before, I'm trying to make disk images off
the originals so I can play them in 20 years (or next weekend.
Whatever.)  The disks have lasted this long.  Based on no scientific
data whatsoever, I'd say 30 years (2x the max shelf life) is probably
the most a disk can be expected to last w/o any special care.
        Origin apparently had an internal movement at one point to
re-release all the classics (for the PC at least).  I recall a newsgroup
article by an employee at one point (or so they said) that they were
going to remove the protection, redo the manual (probably as a PDF) and
publish all the goods you can't find anymore (a la "Lost Treasures of
Infocom"), but for free (download).  The first one was supposed to be
"Auto Duel", but the idea was shot down (no suit likes to give away
intellectual property for free and all).  And for Auto Duel I'm sure SJG
(Steve Jackson Games) might have something to say about that too.
        So, any of you coveted Apple "Caverns" owners want to let me
borrow it for a week? :) (Raucous laughter subsides).  Didn't think so.

        John: swamped w/Wasteland folders yet?

-----Original Message-----
From: John Romero [mailto:john@;] 
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 1:52 AM
Subject: RE: [SWCollect] [ SWCollect ] What's your favorite find?

>       I have all the Apple ][ Origin titles complete (except "Caverns
of Callisto", 
> which I missed for $5 on a newsgroup last year).  These two sets are
by far my most 
> valued, though there are buckets more that I prize as well (mostly

Whoa, nice collection!  I also love collecting Origin titles; they were
one of my favorite game companies (which is also why I loved working for
them in the 80's!)

I have a mint Caverns of Callisto.......heh....... ;)

- John

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Chisarick [mailto:junk6@;]
> Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 9:27 PM
> Subject: RE: [SWCollect] [ SWCollect ] What's your favorite find?
>       I spent about 22+ months tracking down every last EA title
> (complete) made for the Apple ][ (flat, box, game, utility,
> app, etc.) Of those by far the most satisfying to find: 
> Marble Madness, Realm of Impossibility, One-on-One, Arctic 
> Fox, Adventure Construction Set.  Hugh is a tiny god for 
> providing the EA Flatpack reference online :)
>       I have all the Apple ][ Origin titles complete (except
> "Caverns of Callisto", which I missed for $5 on a newsgroup 
> last year).  These two sets are by far my most valued, though 
> there are buckets more that I prize as well (mostly RPG's).
>       Both sets have at least one error-free set of disks
> (why collect if you can't play)?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Edward Franks [mailto:xyzzy@;]
> Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 10:22 AM
> Subject: Re: [SWCollect] [ SWCollect ] What's your favorite find?
> On Sunday, November 10, 2002, at 12:45  AM, Hugh Falk wrote: [snip]
> > I'm also proud of my complete collection of EA flat box games...not 
> > that they're rare or expensive.  I just haven't seen
> another complete
> > set...anybody on this list collect EA flats?
>       The EA game I have are the common Bards Tale and Wasteland ones.
> Color me a classic RPGer.  :)
>       To expand on your point about not particularly rare or expensive
> games, I collect the old Avalon Hill computer games.  They had some
> nifty hybrids (computer game with mounted map board and 
> counters) and a 
> messy listing of games.  Trying to figure out what games are 
> out there 
> and then finding them is the fun for me.
> --
> Edward Franks
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