Dan Chisarick stated:
>       I spent about 22+ months tracking down every last EA title
>(complete) made for the Apple ][ (flat, box, game, utility, app, etc.)
>Of those by far the most satisfying to find: Marble Madness, Realm of
>Impossibility, One-on-One, Arctic Fox, Adventure Construction Set.  Hugh
>is a tiny god for providing the EA Flatpack reference online :)

That reminds me, I've got a copy of Skyfox that has rectangular,
yellow stickers with red text reading "DEMO COPY / line / NOT FOR
RESALE" on it.  There's one on the front, one that was apparently
holding the folio closed, and another on the disk.  (The reference
card is missing.)  Anyone know the origin of these stickers?  Was it a
pre-release, a copy for review, a copy for a store to load on a
computer for customers to try, or something else?

Lee K. Seitz

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