Jim Leonard schrieb:
> At MobyGames we go over this every so often; people keep wanting to somehow
> *define* the words "adventure game" to mean "Sierra games" (the Quest games,
> etc.)  

Well, I can imagine. I remember having vivid discussions over at
comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.adventure over this


and this 


article with the respective editors. When you read through them you'll
note that for these people adventure gaming started with Sierra and
Lucas. Before that was nothing. 

Beside documenting pretty much ignorance from people who publish
articles, this also shows that there still is no public appreciation for
the roots of computer gaming, not even among those who like to play
games. Old movies are considered classics and are watched, old games are
just obsolete. Except for, well, us and a few others.

> Others want to actually create a new genre specifically for
> "Sierra-like games".  As official taxonomer for MobyGames, they will forever
> remain in our system as what they really are:  Interactive Fiction with
> Graphics.  This puts them in the same category as Mask of the Sun, Arthur: The
> Quest for Excalibur, etc.  Because when you get down to it, all of the games
> Sierra put out from 1984 to 1991 that required text input are exactly that --
> interactive fiction with graphics.  The text parser may be bad, but it's still
> a parser and still required to complete the game.  Entrance into a new
> room/area doesn't always print out a text description, but you do get text
> updates of events/locations/dialogue.  So it's a gimmicky variant.

Well, yes, as a matter of fact that would be correct. Would you put the
later Sierra adventures, which were entirely mouse driven IIRC, and
those from Legend in the same category?

It seems to me, the farther we move into the present, the harder it is
to classify a game. Some genres have blurred beyond recognition.


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