Marco Thorek wrote:
> Hm, can you give me a sample of the "cease & desist"? I'm not that
> familiar with the US legal system and having that could come in handy.
> Just recently I found another site that lifted some of the bios I
> compiled on the Infocom authors in their entirety.

A proper cease and desist letter would be something that has three paragraphs:

- First paragraph introduces yourself or your identity, and links you to the
intellectual property you are going to talk about
- Second paragraph lists the infractions (what the guy is doing wrong)
- Third paragraph asks that the person "cease and desist" (exact wording is
important!) said behavior

None of these paragraphs necessarily need to be very long, or even formatted
into three paragraphs, but it's typical form if you're not a lawyer.  (If you
are, or want to sound like one, then here's an actual cease and desist letter
to use as reference:,7/section,23/

Personally, I just shot him a quick note:

"Hi, I noticed in this auction that you are using images from
without our permission.  Please cease and desist this immediately or will be
forced to take action which includes, but is not limited to, contacting ebay
in regards to having your account suspended or revoked.  Your prompt attention
in this matter is greatly appreciated."

I didn't want to go into it much because I wasn't expecting a reply.  As it
turns out, he promised not to do it again, so I left it at that.
> (PS. RPGs sure look great there among the main genres ;-)

Yeah, rub it in... :-)  You have to know it was a blow to my ego that I
royally screwed that up.  And Hack was one of my first addicted games, even!! 
How could I have blown it?  Oh well; it's fixed for all eternity now.
Jim Leonard ([EMAIL PROTECTED])          
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