On Jan 12, 2004, at 11:58 AM, Jim Leonard wrote:

Pedro Quaresma wrote:
Please don't get me started on Planeboring: Torment. That game should never have been a RPG.

Ah yes, Pedro, our resident RPG snob. ;-) If Planescape: Torment is a bad RPG by your standards, could you explain why? Is it all the dialog, or bad structure, or what?

More importantly: If I wanted a decent story wrapped in decent RPG gameplay that isn't unreasonably hard, what RPGs over the last 20 years would you recommend?

If you like Star Wars, Knights of the Old Republic by Bioware is pretty good. Without spoiling anything, I did like how they used one of the key plot elements. Besides, where else can you force choke insolents fools?

About Planescape, to me one of the strengths of any genre is its diversity. RPGs do better when there is a variety of games to tempt people. All, say, Ultima clones or Diablo clones will kill the market. Just look at how Adventure games have struggled to move beyond Myst. Even Cyan had problems doing that.

I want my hack-n-slash RPGs. I want my goodie-two-shoe RPGs. I want my magic-n-guns RPGs. I want my eat-hot-photons-mutant! RPGs. I want my pot-boiler D&D RPGs. I want my quirky character driven RPG games. :-D


Edward Franks

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