I was just browsing through a 1985 catalog from SSI and noticed two posters
and a t-shirt I don't think I've seen before. Apparently there is a shirt
with Broadsides on it, and two posters, one with Knights of the Desert and
one with Questron. Did anybody actually see these in real life, or even
better, own them?? I'd love to hear about that, and perhaps see some pics.

While I'm at it, I'd be interested to know if there are any other
memorabilia from this gang.. I've never seen anything from them except the
games, so it would be fun to know!

Finally, they did advertise for add-on disks for some games, like The
Shattered Alliance Toolkit, and a bunch of scenarios for various games. I've
never seen those either - anybody has something? I'd be interested even in
disk images if you don't want to part with something original!

- Peo

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