Hugh Falk wrote:

A problem with the games industry right now is that the top 25 games each
year make a majority of the money.  #1 - #5 often selling millions of units.
The rest of the top 25 selling several hundred thousand.  Many of the rest
often lose money.  This is turning the games industry into a hit-driven
market (like the movie industry).  The trend is to see less games being made
and hoping for more profit on each.  EA is making fewer games but more
revenue:  2000 = 68 SKUS with $1.3B in revenue, 2002 = 58 SKUs with $2.5B

Is it okay with you if I repost this information on another forum? I can quote you or keep it anonymous, but I'd love to post this info somewhere else (where there is a raging discussion going on over Sam and Max).
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