This talk of posters got me looking through my small stash.  I put links to
the best ones at the bottom of this page:

I think there are a couple in there you guys might fondly remember.  I also
have an SSI Pool of Radiance poster, but I can't find it right now.

For some reason, the main page of my site isn't working so you have to get
their through the link above.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jukka Eronen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2004 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: [SWCollect] SSI t-shirts / posters / oddbits

> I was just browsing through a 1985 catalog from SSI and noticed two
> and a t-shirt I don't think I've seen before.

I've noticed those too; the Questron poster would be cool to have :).

The catalogs of old games have many memorabilia mentioned and sometimes
F.ex. Sierra catalogs (shirts, mugs, towels, etc.),
LucasFilm Adventurers (posters, shirts, caps, etc.),
Origin catalogs (posters, shirts, etc.),
SSI catalogs (posters, shirts)...

The posters would interest me the most of the memorabilia
but unfortunately I don't have any (even missing the ones
that came with some of the early Sierra games f.ex.). So offer if you have

If some of you didn't know, some of the Sierra Newsletters had posters in
like Conquets of Camelot, King's Quest IV, Codename: Iceman, Police Quest
Those are all I know of so if you know more centerfold covers from these
magazines I'd like to hear (f.ex. Josh if you'd like to check these

I've also seen some picture with Ken and Roberta Williams
where there were original posters in the background of
Ulysses and the Golden Fleece, The Dark Crystal (not the poster
that came with the game) and Learning with Leeper.
They probably weren't for sale; I'd guess promotional posters.
So there most likely were posters for many of their other games too back

I don't remember where I saw a picture of it but japanese Ultima II
poster of the Ultima II SierraVenture-cover and back art in
panorama would be so cool to have.
Any idea did Ultima I have any poster form?
Ultimas starting from III had promo posters and sellable (is that a word?-)
ones later.

Anyone having any promo / directly sold posters for games?

PS. I probably don't have almost at all this kind of memorabilia,
but one valuable thing is a Nazgūl hologram that was available
for ordering only for buyers of Lord of the Rings: Game One (1985)
in the UK, Isle of Mann and Channel Islands at the time it was sold.

- Jukka

--  -  Synchronic Web:
adventure/RPG game collecting, Tolkien comics,
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