"Deluxe Edition" of Wasteland???

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ViewItem&category=4610&item=4121816523&rd=1

Aside from lines like "Casual collectors may wish to pass this by" and "each disk verified by Copy II Plus" (which I'd love to know how he did that since the protection on Wasteland was the same on Strike Fleet, Legacy of the Ancients, Chuck Yeagar and Deathlord, e.g. the most brutal that I know of that EA did for the Apple). If he did a bit copy that doesn't prove anything.

I'd be led to believe that the album cover came FIRST, then the box, as the last few Apple II games came in boxes (John Madden and Earl Weaver did). Thoughts?

Interestingly, there's no picture :) For all I know he took the box from a different platform and stuffed in the guts from a flat pack. I have 4 copies of Wasteland, and they were relatively easy/cheap to get. Hugh? Can I get a ruling?

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