Thank you,
        That was very helpful and the link about the base encodings.  Since
reading I've been trying to match the results that swfmill generates for
an image to that of what a program called base64 returns.  I had a swf
created with a single image in it.  Decompiled it into xml with swfmill.
 I've yet to get the exact same results from the <data> tag of the XML
file and that generated by base64 for the same image that was placed
into the swf.  I tried setting the image quality to 100 on the jpg in
the swf as well as setting the swf's to no compression thinking that
might have some impact on the decoded data.  I then decided to take the
string in the <data> tag and decode it with base64 and try to create the
image.  Though it creates a file in the dir with a .jpg extension, it
fails to open in gimp giving this error "Not a JPEG file: starts with
0xff 0xd9".  Not sure what all that means.

> i don't know xslt myself, but seeing what Dan did with it impressed me

i don't know xslt either, but know enough xml, and i need a good excuse
to learn xslt.  This seems as worth while an endeavor that I could find.
 I've used OpenSource software for a long time and have been longing for
a way to contribute back.

> just to get you even more excited, this gave me some ideas, too:

not sure if I completely understood everything I read there, but I think
it's good news for xml and flash in general.

Jon Molesa
Owner - Consoltec

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