after both of you have mentioned FLEX i decided to take a deeper look
into it and see if i can understand what is going on.  I wound up
looking at a presentation of theirs
Seems to be very impressive possibilities.  I'm not quite sure how
swfmill would fit into that model however, unless you're looking to take
it to a server type of program.  I'm not a classically trained
programmer and have a hard time getting my head around some of the
models and terms.  But in it's simplest terms FLEX looks to provide a
way to create a stateful client app on a users computer, with a backend
layer providing classes of objects and a data abstraction layer.

I guess that my personal goal of just having a nice way to create swf
entirely on linux is a small goal by comparison, and maybe insulting in
some way.  But I figured that if I could understand swfmill better and
learn some XSLT that I may just be able to realize my goal.  I thought
the easiest way for me to learn as much as possible would be to offer my
time in documenting what is currently in place.

I'm not here to try and change the direction of swfmill.  I just simply
what to better understand it's power and make use of it to satisfy a
curious desire of mine.  There is just a need here.  Linux satisfies
almost all of my needs except this one.

Daniel, I'm sorry.  I have poked all around osflash's wiki.  Registered
for an account and I still have no idea what FDL is and where I should
post any material that I come up with.

Jon Molesa

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