On 28 Jan 2006 at 12:51, Mark Winterhalder wrote:

> sure, i've had a look at it before, but didn't do any experiments of
> my own. i don't know if this has changed, but last time i checked it
> could only handle actionscript 1, which put me off a bit.

OpenLaszlo has moved on .. now compiles to Flash 8.
> > Now OpenLaszlo does not allow import of swf files created in OpenLaszlo
> > (although other swf files can be imported).
> you mean swfmill does not allow...?


To clarify .. if I have an OpenLaszlo canvas, I cannot import into canvas an external swf (as an asset) which has previously been compiled in OpenLaszlo .. because of duplication of core classes.

I can, however, import a Macromedia (or MTASC) compiled swf into OpenLaszlo canvas.

My attempt is to use SWFmill swf as the container for different assets.


> the best tutorial i know of is still this one:
> http://www.flashant.org/index.php?p=408&more=1&c=1

Yes .. I have that example working in Eclipse.
> > <canvas width="200" height="200" proxied="false">
> > <view x="50" y="50" width="100" height="100" bgcolor="red" />
> > </canvas>
> looks simple enough. is that the SWF that fails to import?

> > I can decompile OpenLaszlo compiled swf's using swf2xml.
> does the SWF still work if you set it back together with xml2swf?

I have applied swf2xml and this creates a file 4,658,229 bytes in size (from an swf file size 70,309 bytes). 

On compiling back again .. xml2swf it returns to the original size 70,309 bytes.

And this also fails to compile correctly.


Here is the application class below (simpleLoader) I am using to try to load this file .. lzxassets.swf .. into stage. 

Can you see anything wrong with this script?

lzxassets.swf is the file created by SWFmill using "swfmill simple" command.
lzxassets.swf is placed in root of project in Eclipse.

Path to swf:               C:\eclipse\workspace\swfmill_importlzx\deploy\lzxtest.swf
Root (main) class:      C:\eclipse\workspace\swfmill_importlzx\src\SimpleLoader.as
Additionals:               -header 640:480:20 -version 8


class SimpleLoader {

function SimpleLoader(scope:MovieClip) {

//Main Entry Point
static function main() {
   var simpleLoader:SimpleLoader = new SimpleLoader(_root);


But although Eclipse compilation report says "....... compilation complete!" .. the compiled lzxtest.swf is blank when viewed .. and is only 297 bytes in size.  Clearly nothing in it.



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