On 04/29/2012 07:28 AM, Jonathan Morgan wrote:
Hi Daniel,

On Sun, Apr 29, 2012 at 4:21 AM, Daniel Owens <dhow...@pmbx.net <mailto:dhow...@pmbx.net>> wrote:

    Well, it may be a poor markup choice on my part, but the Strongs
    modules are marked up the same way. I was just following the
    established pattern.

    I can see a couple of reasons to include a title in addition to
    the key:
    - Normally attributes are not displayed, only the content of
    elements, except @n in TEI and sometimes @osisID in OSIS genbooks (?)
    - I could see cases in which a lexicon key would not be identical
    to its title or head term, such as a full BDB module keyed to
    Strongs. The use of Strongs numbers in that case would be purely
    for the software to find the correct entry from a Bible tagged
    with Strongs numbers, not a part of the actual lexicon entry

Wouldn't it be best to only display the two if they were different from each other, irrespective of what the TEI markup looked like?


You are probably right. How would that work? Would the TEI filter need to test whether the title and the key are identical? Even in the case of Strongs, they are not identical: H0001 (or 00001) for the key and H1 for the title.


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