Hello all,

I am the maintainer of the French module FreCJE. I think there is a not user-friendly behavior with commentaries (in sword engine or in frontends I don't know).

For instance, this module includes a commentary for Psalm 23. It is not split by verses (ie verse by verse commentary), but for the whole chapter. As a consequence, if you use frontends (like Andbible or BibleTime at least), the commentary will ONLY be shown when you are at Ps.23.1!

However it is declared in OSIS to match the whole Psalm (osisRef=Ps.23)! I think this is not a normal behavior. The commentary should be shown where you are at verse 2, 3 or more! (and also at verse 0 I think but this is secondary)

I think Karl already talked about this feature in the past. But maybe I am wrong, I did not find the conversation.

What do you think? Is this a sword engine limitation or frontend issue?



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