Thank you for the clarification and help.

Don't duplicate:
As Fr. Cyrille has pointed out, SWORD supports entry linking. So, you don't need to duplicate anything, just supply all the verses to which an entry should be associated.
That's exactly that I expected (avoid duplication and use entry linking internally). But in any frontends I checked, the module FreCJE is not displayed correctly. Nothing is displayed at Gen.1.2 for instance (although a commentary is declared for "Gen.1.1-Gen.1.19" in OSIS).

Entries won't repeat in display is done right:
As Greg points out, SWORD has an iteration feature called skipConsecutiveLinks which is turned on by default for commentaries. This allows iterating over, say, a chapter, and only getting one occurrence for each entry which is linked to consecutive verses.

Having said all of this, depending on the utility used to import your module, some are more lenient than others. Some likely just send the osisID to SWORD's verse parser which will parse a range, so you might get lucky. But if you want things to always work, then you should encode your module correctly.

OSIS also includes an osisRef type attribute for commentaries called annotateRef which indicates that the element contains commentary text for a verse range. I wouldn't be surprised if DM already supports this in osis2mod, but I wouldn't count on it without checking.

My module uses OSIS commentary syntax. I am using of course annotateRef:

<div type="section" annotateType="commentary" annotateRef="Gen.1.1-Gen.1.19">Hello world!</div>

Currently all tested frontends show nothing at Gen.1.2. I guess this is either a bug in mod2osis (import tool) or in all frontends (is it possible?). You can check my module, it is available in raw repository, it is called FreCJE.

*Can somebody confirm osis2mod supports correctly entry linking? Can I check with mod2imp or mod2osis is there are entry linking stored in the module?

Le 01/06/2020 à 20:49, Troy A. Griffitts a écrit :
As David has said, please be careful about your syntax between osisID and osisRef. osisID="Gen.7.17-Gen.8.5" is invalid. This would be a valid osisRef.

osisIDs are how you assign text to a verse entry in SWORD. osisIDs do not take ranges; they take lists.

Don't duplicate:
As Fr. Cyrille has pointed out, SWORD supports entry linking. So, you don't need to duplicate anything, just supply all the verses to which an entry should be associated.

Entries won't repeat in display is done right:
As Greg points out, SWORD has an iteration feature called skipConsecutiveLinks which is turned on by default for commentaries. This allows iterating over, say, a chapter, and only getting one occurrence for each entry which is linked to consecutive verses.

Having said all of this, depending on the utility used to import your module, some are more lenient than others. Some likely just send the osisID to SWORD's verse parser which will parse a range, so you might get lucky. But if you want things to always work, then you should encode your module correctly.

OSIS also includes an osisRef type attribute for commentaries called annotateRef which indicates that the element contains commentary text for a verse range. I wouldn't be surprised if DM already supports this in osis2mod, but I wouldn't count on it without checking.

Hope this clears some things up,


On June 1, 2020 6:29:07 AM MST, yvand <> wrote:

    On Sat, May 30, 2020 at 11:19 AM Karl Kleinpaste
    < <>> wrote:

        On 5/30/20 11:45 AM, yvand wrote:
        I think Karl already talked about this feature in the past.
But maybe I am wrong, I did not find the conversation.

        Xiphos has a feature, "commentary by chapter," so that whole
        commentary chapters are displayed along with whole Bible
        chapters, and then the verse is tracked visually in the
        commentary pane, but in a different manner from the Bible
        pane (i.e. current verse always aligned to top, plus a
        preceding horizontal rule).  It's a UI issue IMO, not an
        engine issue. If you explicitly list the verse range covered
        in your markup, then I imagine you might get the effect you
        want in other UIs.

        Up to this time, Xiphos' commentary by chapter has not been
        default, and I wonder if I should make it so in the future.

    I think so. Since Bibles are by chapter, it makes sense to have
    commentaries as well, but :

    A commentary view in frontends, as Karl mentioned, might be a good

    I still don't understand why the OSIS reference "Gen.1.1-Gen.1.19"
    is interpreted as "Gen.1.1" only! Again, why this behavior? It
    seems not logical for me. Are commentaries in OSIS only verse by

    And issues are still there:

    - A commentary like "Gen.7.17-Gen.8.5" (in FreCJE = Day by Day, by
    J. Koechlin in French) will only be shown at chapter 7, isn't it?
    I should also use a "hack" and put an OSIS reference like
    ""Gen.7.17 Gen.8.1" (not use continuous reference notation).

    - It would be impossible to highlight properly the commentary as
    you mentioned (if I understood correctly).

    This is again my 2 cents.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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