Thanks for the answers.

Some advise to duplicate the commentary for every verse (Ps.23.1, Ps.23.2, Ps.23.3, etc.) and some said it is a frontend issue. I am still a bit lose and disappointed for the end users.

I don't understand why for commentaries, the OSIS reference "Ps.23-1.5" is not the same as "Ps.23.1 Ps.23.2 Ps.23.3 Ps.23.4 Ps.23.5" for instance. In my opinion it should be considered exactly the same. Or else, why not? Moreover, if I declare that this commentary covers "Ps.23.1-5", the engine should show the commentary if I asked for commentary for verse 3 for instance. Why only for the first vese? Or maybe I misunderstood the concept of Crosswire commentary…

If I change all the OSIS references to match every verses, I hope the module size will not grow 20 times. And if I do so, for frontends like Xiphos which have a "commentary by chapter" view, the frontend will duplicate the commentary or use a hack to avoid duplication of the same text…

Currently I do not know what is the best, I see all these proposals like rather hacks (in the OSIS source or in frontends).


Le 30/05/2020 à 18:18, Karl Kleinpaste a écrit :
On 5/30/20 11:45 AM, yvand wrote:
I think Karl already talked about this feature in the past. But maybe I am wrong, I did not find the conversation.

Xiphos has a feature, "commentary by chapter," so that whole commentary chapters are displayed along with whole Bible chapters, and then the verse is tracked visually in the commentary pane, but in a different manner from the Bible pane (i.e. current verse always aligned to top, plus a preceding horizontal rule).  It's a UI issue IMO, not an engine issue.  If you explicitly list the verse range covered in your markup, then I imagine you might get the effect you want in other UIs.

Up to this time, Xiphos' commentary by chapter has not been default, and I wonder if I should make it so in the future.

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