Hi all,

your points are well taken, and I'm not trying to put the cc numbers
into a database for the very same reason..
I do, however, have to put it into the session as part of the checkout
process, before I even get to use a payment gateway (after that it'll
get obfuscated right away, and I only store the last 4 digits, yes..).
Since session files are non-encrypted,
and the system may at some point run on a shared server, I would like
to encrypt at least the number before I put it in.

Sounds good?

Thanks for all your help.
And thanks Dustin for reminding me of the plugin. I completely forgot
about it. :)

Have a great day,

On Jun 12, 5:30 pm, "Alistair Stead" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> There are major implication of storing such data and in the UK there are
> particularly stringent restrictions on how and where you can store such
> data. I believe this goes as far as dictating hardware setup etc.
> My advice would be evaluate the reason why you are storing this information
> and think about shifting this task to a dedicated payment gateway service.
> These services are setup to ensure all legislation is covered and users
> personal data is protected. If you are storing data for delayed or repeat
> billing these service should be able to facilitate this.
> I have in the past been asked by a number of clients to store this data so
> they could process orders manually through a PDQ terminal... All to save
> paying for a payment gateway.
> Although the risk may seem small. Just imagine the implications of someone
> gaining access to your server? (This does happen)
> Alistair
> 2008/6/12 Dustin Whittle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Also, see the dwCryptPlugin for a simple interface to mcrypt encryption.
> > - Dustin
> > On 6/12/08 2:33 PM, "Lee Bolding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > You may want to check this :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PCI_DSS
> > > before you go ahead and do that.
> > > "A company processing, storing, or transmitting payment card data must
> > > be PCI DSS compliant or risk losing their ability to process credit
> > > card payments and being audited and/or fined"
> > > I think you'll find that one way functions are mandatory, and that
> > > you're only ever allowed to store the last 4 card digits in plain.
> > > On 12 Jun 2008, at 22:02, Richtermeister wrote:
> > >> Thanks Mohammad,
> > >> that is exactly what I was looking for!
> > >> And another reason to get mcrypt working on my server ;)
> > >> Thanks again,
> > >> have a great day.
> > >> Daniel
> > >> On Jun 12, 1:37 pm, "Mohammad Ali Safari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >> wrote:
> > >>> Hi,
> > >>> I use the methods in PHP mcrypt module.
> > >>> I have these two methods:
> > >>> // Decription Encryption
> > >>> public static function encrypt($string, $key){
> > >>>   $cipher_alg = MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128;
> > >>>   $iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_get_iv_size($cipher_alg,
> > >>> MCRYPT_RAND);
> > >>>   $encrypted_string = base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt($cipher_alg, $key,
> > >>> $string, MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, $iv));
> > >>>   $iv_encode = base64_encode($iv);
> > >>>   return $encrypted_string.'_'.$iv_encode;
> > >>> }
> > >>> public static function decrypt($encrypted_string, $key){
> > >>>   $cipher_alg = MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128;
> > >>>   list($encrypted_string, $iv) = explode('_', $encrypted_string);
> > >>>   $decrypted_string = mcrypt_decrypt($cipher_alg, $key,
> > >>> base64_decode($encrypted_string), MCRYPT_MODE_CBC,
> > >>> base64_decode($iv));
> > >>>    $len = strlen($decrypted_string);
> > >>>    $j = $len-1;
> > >>>    while ($decrypted_string[$j] == "\0") $j--;
> > >>>    $decrypted_string = substr($decrypted_string, 0, $j+1);
> > >>>   return $decrypted_string;
> > >>> }
> > >>> where $key is some fixed value stored in my app.yml file.
> > >>> --Mohammad
> --
> Alistair Stead
> Senior Interactive Developer
> Mobile: +44 (0) 7788 107 333
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