On Sat, 5 Sep 2009, Sid Bachtiar wrote:

> But I disagree that you'll get better compatibility and fewer
> surprises when you sync your code to a Unix host.

Depends on the viewpoint - compared to Windows, a Mac is closer to UNIX 
than Windows will ever be.

> For start, most hosts out there run Linux, not Unix.

Pretty much the same if you ask me, at least the tools are.

> And more
> importantly, although OSX was based on FreeBSD (from distance
> genealogy?), from what I read, it is actually quite different
> (different file system, file structure, etc).

Yes and no. The command-line runs bash. You have the usual UNIX 
command-line tools (something you dont get with Windows unless you do the 
whole Cygwin thing). So from a developer's or sys admin's point of view, 
Mac is close enough.

> I believe the differences between Mac and Unix is why something like
> MacPort exists:
> And MacFink:

Another way to look at it, is to provide a standard environment to be able 
to build any open source tool without having to rely on Apple for them. 
The fact that MacPorts and Fink exists is proof of how easy it is to build 
OSS on Mac. I actually build stuff without using MacPorts or Fink.

I use a Mac at work as my my main workstation. Not Linux, because most 
companies are not ready to support Linux (Im not saying I agree with that 
policy but that's the reality for the majority of the commercial 
companies out there). My other choice is a PC running XP (which, out of 
the box, has no good command-line tools for web development). So I chose 
Mac. Maybe one day, Linux will be another desktop choice but Im happy with 
a Mac for now.


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