This is an example of the type of doc content that's useful and should  
cover everybody from newbies to somebody more seasoned with the framework.

Having this level of content, however, takes time and effort to write,  
translate and maintain.
But I think if it was based in an environment that allowed user-registered  
contribution - it might go a little quicker.
[JW's Google translate extension would be a big help].

It would however need over-sight and management by the core SF team.

On Thu, 24 Sep 2009 18:35:44 +0200, Stephen at Sacramento  
<> wrote:

> Boy, am I glad to see someone say that the sf documentation needs
> examples and more cross-references to tutorials and other places where
> elements can be seen in practice.  I'ts all well and good for the
> senior developers to sit back on their heals and smugly say, "Well, if
> you were a REAL developer, you would know that," but the simple truth
> is that everyone goes through a learning curve both as developers and
> as sf developers.  Putting stuff in the docs that is useful to the
> less-experienced isn't a waste of time.  It just helps those that like
> what they see but struggle to get going with it become experienced,
> productive developers.  We're not all journeymen.  Thats not a bad
> thing, its just reality.  If you want the system to be successful -
> i.e., adopted and widely used - then you'll realize that part of the
> process is to bring the newbies along rather than kicking them in the
> teeth at every opportunity just because it makes you feel superior to
> do so.
> On Sep 18, 8:29 am, david <> wrote:
> {snip}
>> The API documentation of SF should be linked back to the tutorials -  
>> giving examples of usage and allowing people to refer to examples.
> {snip}
> >

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