I think taking a note from the php.net site (the PHP manual) is a good idea.
The search feature in the php.net is incredibly useful and helps you target
any part of PHP with a simple search for function, feature or class names.
Having some "sitewide" search functionality for a specific part of symfony
such as being able to track down "Forms", as an example, and having it go to
a section that discusses the various components of the forms framework. Or
Authentication, things like that. I know the API documentation exists but to
have that wrapped in a section that deals with everything related such as
examples etc.

Allowing comments would also be great. Often the php.net description of a
function or feature isn't that clear but then the user comments help clear
things up.

Just my 2 cents.

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 2:10 PM, fakingfantastic <lakatos.fr...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I recently had a discussion with Fabien about this topic, and he
> suggested it would be best if I stage the debate here.
> Has anyone ever felt like the information they needed to get on
> Symfony was hard to find? Do you find that the information you need is
> very-well documented on the site, but it takes a while to search for?
> These are very big issues for me that over the last 6 months of me
> learning the framework, have made it quite difficult.
> Do not get me wrong: I am not say "Symfony isn't well documented" (I
> made that mistake when talking with Fabien). What I am saying is
> Symfony-Project.org, for whatever reason, is always very difficult for
> me to search through to find what I am looking for. I feel that it has
> to do with the way the content is organized on the site. It doesn't
> feel very compartmentalized to me. When I need to find out some
> information on the framework, I seem to always have the same 3 issues:
> "What am I trying to find out", "Where do I search to find the
> information", and "Is this information outdated"?
> For now, I was to leave what I am asking a little vague, in hopes to
> see what that naturally brings out in people about this. My ultimate
> goal would be trying to put together an initiative to re-organize and
> enhance the site to make it more "intuative" (if that's the right
> word) for new-comers and seasoned users alike.
> Feel free to irc me at fakingfantastic aswell, i'm usually in #symfony.
> >

Gareth McCumskey
twitter: @garethmcc

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