On Jan 2, 2008 4:17 AM, Bill Page <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 1/1/08, Bill Page wrote:
> > On 1/1/08, Alan Bromborsky wrote:
> > > ...
> > > I looked at a paper on the Maple Clifford package.  The problem
> > > I would have with it is that it is Clifford algebra for mathematicians,
> > > not for physicists.
> >
> > That is peculiar since it was designed by two physicists.
> >...
> > I would very strongly recommend that you send an email to Rafal
> > and/or Bertfried and ask them about how Clifford could be applied
> > to the problems you want to solve.
> >
> Bertfried Fauser replied the following (in part) today concerning my
> request for some information abut the new version of Clifford for
> Maple release 11:

Thanks Bill for posting this! After reading this I realized I also know
B. Fauser, as we were on the RISC workshop together with Mateusz
(another sympy developer). I know they were discussing schur
functions, but I didn't find it interesting then. :)


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