On Jan 1, 10:33 am, Alan Bromborsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I trying to determine if you would be interested in adding a geometric
> algebra package to sympy.  Attached are pdf files introducing geometric
> algebra (imag_numbers.pdf) and a description of a python module I am
> developing for symbolic geometric algebra.  Comments would be welcome.

I'd be interested. A long time ago, I wrote a module for numeric
computations in geometric algebra. I have (mostly) updated it to use
numpy, but that conversion may still be a little rough.


You may also be interested in the book _Geometric Algebra for Computer
Science: An Object-oriented Approach to Geometry_ by Leo Dorst, Daniel
Fontijne and Stephen Mann. A substantial chunk of the book is devoted
to discussing implementation, with code, albeit from a numerical


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