On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 12:28:22PM -0700, Vinzent Steinberg wrote:
> Could you be please more concrete and tell what "interesting"
> consequences are to be expected?

For instance you can no longer override the import of a module by
installation a newer version of it... unless you use setuptools. Users
also get confused as to what is imported, and this results in strange bug

> Do you think distutils is better than setuptools?

It is orthogonal. These two tools attempt to solve two different
problems: installation and packaging.

> I want it to work like every good Windows installer. It should remove
> old files and not break installations.

I don't know if it does this for windows. It certainly does not do this
for Linux.

> Guido for example apparently does not agree with you. :) (http://
> mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-April/063964.html)

That's old news. There has been quite a flame at Pycon this year (2008)
about setuptools. I do not have the impression Guido is terribly
satisfied with the state of the project. The problem is that it is the
only project trying to tackle this challenge.


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