On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 6:54 PM, Pekeika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (1), (2) and (3) By,  Friedrich, DONE.
> Reading of Patches Tutorial suggested by Ondrej, DONE.
> Thanks very much to both of you... I'M LEARNING A LOT!

Thanks, I am glad you enjoyed it. Sorry for my late reply, I was
traveling and then out of connection for the weekend.

> Question: I am a PC. I have never used Linux/Unix. I installed the
> binary for windows of mercurial and I'm using the windows comand
> prompt. Would this be an obstacle towards reaching the final repo
> result? would it be compatible with the rest you have created?

No, this should work just fine. How are you developing code on
windows? Maybe other windows developers here can share  the ways they
work with revision control on windows. I only use windows for testing
sympy from time to time, so I just use the terminal. Lately I
discovered git for windows:


you just download it, run it and you get a nice unix like terminal and
everything including git just works, so that's what I use now. Ask if
you have any problems.


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