Just to test whether the testing tools were working correctly on my
machine, I tried running the test cases under 'sympy/core' for sympy
version 0.6.2. This failed. The reulsts are shown at the end of the

One error claimed that the 'Singleton' class could not be imported
from 'sympy.core.basic'. I looked in the basic module and was not able
to locate a Singleton class. I have not looked at the other errors in
detail yet. I am assuming that sympy 0.6.2 passed all the tests before
it was released, so I am not sure why the test are failing for me.
Anyone have any insights? (I think my paths are set up correctly, but
I don't know of a good way to tell the path a module was loaded from
just to check. How do you do this?)


C:\Apps\Python25\Lib\site-packages>py.test sympy\core
============================= test process starts
executable:   C:\Apps\Python25\python.exe  (2.5.2-final-0)
using py lib: C:\Apps\Python25\lib\site-packages\py-0.9.2-py2.5-
win32.egg\py <re
v unknown>

[41] .......................................ff
sympy\core\tests\test_assumptions.py[27] ..........................f
sympy\core\tests\test_basic.py[28] ............................
sympy\core\tests\test_complex.py[10] ..........
sympy\core\tests\test_count_ops.py[1] .
sympy\core\tests\test_diff.py[4] ....
sympy\core\tests\test_equal.py[4] ....
sympy\core\tests\test_eval.py[8] .......f
sympy\core\tests\test_eval_power.py[7] .......
sympy\core\tests\test_evalf.py[18] ..................
sympy\core\tests\test_facts.py[11] ...........
sympy\core\tests\test_functions.py[24] ......................ff
sympy\core\tests\test_logic.py[10] ..........
sympy\core\tests\test_match.py[25] ........................f
sympy\core\tests\test_multidimensional.py[4] ....
sympy\core\tests\test_numbers.py[25] .........................
sympy\core\tests\test_pickling.py - FAILED TO LOAD MODULE
sympy\core\tests\test_relational.py[3] ...
sympy\core\tests\test_str.py[9] .....FF.F
sympy\core\tests\test_subs.py[16] ................
sympy\core\tests\test_symbol.py[4] ....
sympy\core\tests\test_sympify.py[15] ...............
sympy\core\tests\test_truediv.py[3] ...
sympy\core\tests\test_var.py[3] ...

________________________________ entrypoint:

    import pickle
    import types
    from sympy.utilities.pytest import XFAIL

    from sympy.core.assumptions import AssumeMeths
E   from sympy.core.basic import Atom, Basic, BasicMeta, BasicType,\
>   ImportError: cannot import name Singleton

6: ImportEr
____________________________ entrypoint: test_bug4

    def test_bug4():
        x = Symbol("x")
        w = Symbol("w")
        e = -2*sqrt(x)-w/sqrt(x)/2
        assert str(e) not in ["(-2)*x**1/2(-1/2)*x**(-1/2)*w",
        assert str(e) in ["-2*x**(1/2) - 1/2*x**(-1/2)*w", "-2*x**
(1/2) - 1/2*w*
E                         "-1/2*x**(-1/2)*w - 2*x**(1/2)", "-1/2*w*x**
(-1/2) - 2
>       assert '-2*x**(1/2) - w/(2*x**(1/2))' in ['-2*x**(1/2) - 1/2*x**(-1/2)*w
', '-2*x**(1/2) - 1/2*w*x**(-1/2)', '-1/2*x**(-1/2)*w - 2*x**(1/2)',
(-1/2) - 2*x**(1/2)']
         +  where '-2*x**(1/2) - w/(2*x**(1/2))' = str(-2*x**(1/2) - w/

_________________________ entrypoint: test_Derivative

    def test_Derivative():
        x = Symbol("x")
        y = Symbol("y")

        e = Derivative(x**2, x, evaluate=False)
        assert str(e) == "D(x**2, x)"

        e = Derivative(x**2/y, x, y, evaluate=False)
E       assert str(e) == "D(x**2/y, x, y)"
>       assert 'D(1/y*x**2, x, y)' == 'D(x**2/y, x, y)'
         +  where 'D(1/y*x**2, x, y)' = str(D(1/y*x**2, x, y))

__________________________ entrypoint: test_ordering

    def test_ordering():
        x = Symbol("x")
E       assert str(sin(x).series(x, 0, 15)) == "x - 1/6*x**3 + (1/120)
*x**5 - 1/
5040*x**7 + (1/362880)*x**9 - 1/39916800*x**11 + (1/6227020800)*x**13
+ O(x**15)
>       assert 'x - 1/6*x**3 + 1/120*x**5 - 1/5040*x**7 + 1/362880*x**9 - 1/3991
6800*x**11 + 1/6227020800*x**13 + O(x**15)' == 'x - 1/6*x**3 + (1/120)
*x**5 - 1/
5040*x**7 + (1/362880)*x**9 - 1/39916800*x**11 + (1/6227020800)*x**13
+ O(x**15)
         +  where 'x - 1/6*x**3 + 1/120*x**5 - 1/5040*x**7 +
1/362880*x**9 - 1/3
9916800*x**11 + 1/6227020800*x**13 + O(x**15)' = str(x - 1/6*x**3 +
1/120*x**5 -
 1/5040*x**7 + 1/362880*x**9 - 1/39916800*x**11 + 1/6227020800*x**13 +

         +    where x - 1/6*x**3 + 1/120*x**5 - 1/5040*x**7 +
1/362880*x**9 - 1/
39916800*x**11 + 1/6227020800*x**13 + O(x**15) = sin(x).series(x, 0,
         +      where sin(x) = sin(x)

======== tests finished: 290 passed, 7 xfail, 4 failed in 2.09 seconds
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