I would think that a thesis project with a more hefty CAS aspect would
be inclusion in SymPy of methods for deriving distributions that are
functions of other distributions. I mean the techniques that are dealt
with in chapter 4 of the Mathstatica book (Rose & Smith, Mathematical
statistics with Mathematica, 2001 edition): transformation method and
moment generating functions (MGF) method. Practical publishable
applications can probably, a.o., be found in the study of measurement
uncertainty. Inspiration might be found in papers in Metrologia (many
freely available at www.bipm.int) and other metrological journals. A
subject for a publication can be comparing uncertainty analysis using
a conventional approach (Law of Propagation of Uncertainties ans
Central Limit Theorem LPU/CLT) an analytical approach using
convolution of pdf's and the numerical approach using Monte Carlo
All the best, Janwillem

On Jun 25, 4:42 pm, cjkogan111 <cjkogan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Good idea Ondrej. I can motivate the creation of a general stat module
> as a tool for a specific problem.
> Clark
> On Jun 24, 6:43 pm, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
> > On Wed, Jun 24, 2009 at 6:36 PM, cjkogan111<cjkogan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Thanks Robert & Ondrej,
> > > I appreciate the helpful comments. I think that might be a good idea
> > > to focus, even though what I think would be most helpful to the
> > > community is just to make a general stat module.
> > Indeed. But you can do both -- a general stat module and in particular
> > something that can also be published.
> > Ondrej
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