On Sat, Feb 28, 2015 at 10:53 PM, AMiT Kumar <dtu.a...@gmail.com> wrote:
> One correction:
> * System of Multivariate Equations:
> We CAN implement this for comparatively lower order polynomial in new
> solveset.
> The only thing We can't implement is Multivariate inequalities, as we will
> need CAD for that.

It's still a good idea to think about them when designing the APIs, as
we will hopefully eventually get a CAD implementation.

Aaron Meurer

> On Friday, February 27, 2015 at 6:58:51 PM UTC+5:30, AMiT Kumar wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I was trying to explore solvers for multivariate functions in other
>> CAS like Maple and Mathematica and Maxima,
>> Here is the documentation I found about solvers in Maxima:
>> https://github.com/andrejv/maxima/blob/master/share/algebra/solver/solver1-en.html
>> I think we need to be very specific about the problem set we are
>> going to tackle for 'Multivariate Functions' in the solveset.
>> Here are the cases where we encounter Multivariate Functions:
>> * System of Multivariate Equations:
>> This is a lot of work in the Polynomials module, which needs to
>> be done, before addressing it in solvers.
>> * Multivariate Inequalities:
>> This can also not be addressed in solvers until we have CAD
>> (Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition), which is itself a GSoC
>> Project.
>> The couple of cases which are in the scope of current discussion are:
>> * Multivariate Single Equation with Point solution.
>> We can only solve equations which are of the form (x - a)*(y - b)*(z -
>> c)*...
>> or convertible to this form.
>> Though other popular CAS are also not good for solving equations other
>> than
>> this form. If we don't know the solution we can just return it in terms of
>> other
>> variables as in next case.
>> * Multivariate Single Equation with non-point solution.
>> In this case, we can output results in the form of the
>> other variables: For Example:
>> In []: solve(x**2 + y**3 == 1, (x, y))
>> Out[]: {x, sqrt(1 - y**3)}  # x: arbitrary
>> Similiar to Wolframalpha:
>> http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=solve%28x**2+%2B+y**2+%3D%3D+1%29
>> Or else in this case we could have some functionality for curve
>> detection (maybe using geometry module), to return information about
>> curves in cases like:
>> In []: solve(x**2 + y**2 == 4)
>> Out[]: {Circle, (0, 0), 2}
>> (as Here we know that the output: x = +/-sqrt(y**2 - 1) is not of much
>> significance.)
>> We need not worry much about multivariate, the focus should be more on:
>> 1) Solving Transcendental equations, such as 'Equation solvable by
>> LambertW.
>> 2) Linear Systems (system of linear equations)
>> 3) Modularising the current code.
>> 4) What else set infrastructure we need.
>> I would also like to discuss more about the sub-modules in which the
>> current solve needs to broken, such as: linear systems,
>> transcendental Equations, etc.
>> AMiT Kumar
>> 3rd Year Undergrad
>> Delhi Technological University
>> www.iamit.in
>> On Friday, February 6, 2015 at 12:08:45 AM UTC+5:30, AMiT Kumar wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am AMiT Kumar, I would be GSoC Applicant to SymPy this year. I have
>>> been following the SymPy Community for quite sometime now and have also got
>>> around 11-12 patches Merged in the Code base. So, now, I have got a decent
>>> idea of `How things works`.
>>> I would like to work on Solvers as Mentioned on the Ideas Page. Last year
>>> Harsh Gupta did a very good job by Rewriting the Univariate solvers
>>> (solveset.py), I have gone through his work. After having conversation with
>>> him and digging into solveset, I got to know there is still a lot of work
>>> which needs to be done.
>>> I could see a couple of entry points on the Ideas page:
>>> https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/8725  (I have Merged a PR for this)
>>> https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/8711  (Replace all internal solve()
>>> calls with solveset() ): TODO
>>> Things, I would like to implement in solveset includes:
>>> Multivariate Equation solving:
>>> I think for solving multivariate equations, the order of variables should
>>> be given as input, so that we don't need to have a dict as output and we can
>>> return Set, as if we automatically detect variables, we need to output the
>>> dict of results.
>>> Multivariate functions with non point solution: (solvemv)
>>> In [0] solveset((x - 1)*(y - 2), (x, y))
>>> Out[1] {{1, arbitrary}, {arbitrary, 2}}
>>> or we may return:
>>> Out[1] {{1, (-oo, oo)}, {(-oo, oo), 2}}
>>> Multivariate functions with point solutions: (solvemv)
>>> In [0] solveset(x**2 + y**2, (x, y))
>>> Out[1] {0, 0}
>>> Solve System of Equation: (solvesys)
>>> (For system of Equation, we can have this):
>>> In [0] solveset([x + y == 1, x - y == 0], (x,y))
>>> Out[1] {{1/2, 1/2}}
>>> For inequality solver (or for solvers in general) we also need to extend
>>> singularities module (though useful in general), so as to prevent getting
>>> wrong results, caused due to incorrect simplification of expression, as we
>>> saw in this issue: https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues/8715 , Example: x +
>>> 1/x > -2 + 1/x  this inequality is written as expr = expr. lhs - expr.rhs ,
>>> which cancels 1/x and gives wrong result, by including singular point in the
>>> solution.
>>> inequality solver in solveset currently uses inequalities.py (dependent
>>> on solve) (some discussion here:
>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sympy/Yp5NqrXmp2U). It is related to
>>> the next point below.
>>> All internal solve() calls needs to be replaced with solveset() , this is
>>> very important for bringing out the solveset from sandbox to eventually
>>> replace solve().   (we need to consider the output API (return type) also
>>> while replacing).
>>> We also need to extend the set - boolean (relational) conversion methods
>>> to handle multivariate variables.
>>> Complex set Infrastructure is also not there (though I see a WIP PR for
>>> that), and yes we also need to see what other set capabilities we need to
>>> implement to support various other kinds of solutions.
>>> And also other solvers as mentioned on ideas page like 'Equations
>>> solvable by LambertW function' also needs to work.
>>> I would love to get feedback from the community before presenting my
>>> proposal.
>>> Cheers!
>>> AMiT Kumar
>>> 3rd Year Undergrad
>>> Delhi Technological University
>>> www.iamit.in
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