> possibility to specify a kind of "simple reliable syslog protocol".

I second the idea of a new simple reliable protocol. It needs to be very
easily implemented, flexible, easy to parse and check for accuracy and
use standard "off the shelf" components. Mostly, it needs to be simple
if we ever expect hardware manufactures to adopt it.

If a simple standard was proposed and agreed upon, would any of you
implement it in preference to the current RFC?

Some things that spring to mind that need fixing are...

Timestamp needs to include time, date and time zone. Maybe even a
millisecond count.

A consistent delimiter or message length field needs to be added to
ensure messages can be extracted from the TCP stream in the correct
manner. It is not always possible to use the TCP Push flag on all Oses
(eg. Winsock).

A consistent set of header fields in a consistent order needs to be

Maybe the option for block hashing

Plain TCP socket, or wrapped in SSH or SSL.

I have some ideas on how to implement the above, if anyone is interested
in hearing them, let me know.



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