> On the other hand, if we started with syslog-as-it-is-today,
> added TCP transport, took off the line length limits,
> delimited "records" in the TCP stream with newline, and
> permitted (as an option) ISO 8601 / RFC 3339 timestamps[1]
> instead of the ambiguous and hard-to-sort ones currently
> standardized, I think we'd hit most of the essentials. Plus,
> with little effort, existing implementations could be frobbed
> to interop with it, and I think that spec would describe an
> existing mode of extended operation on many of today's
> enhanced syslog implementations.

This is exactly my point. Is it really such a bad idea that there is so
much opposition inside this WG against this? It sounds so easy to do
(even an option in RFC3164 would do) and - based on my discussion with
other implementors - would receive quick acceptance...

Honestly, I would appreciate if someone could point out why this is so a
bad idea.


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