Hi all,

many thanks for all the great comments. Let me try to wrap up the
concensus I see:

- the proposed format (with brackets and structured data
  elements) is acceptable
- -protocol should REQUIRE senders to emit a specific format
- a version is good to have and will also solve compatibility issues
  (current & future)
- adding the enterprise ID can further facilitate message parsing
- having the version identifier early in the message is a plus
- -protocol should leverage existing syslog momentum, thus
  UDP transport should use destination port 514

and previous discussion already had the consent that -protocol is
sufficiently different from RFC3164 that messages will not be seen as
validly formatted by an old-style syslogd. This just as a reminder.

As such, I am about to change the initial message header from just



[VERSION enterpriseID FACILITY SEVERITY]  (separated by SP)

so you can recognise new format by the presence of a "[" instead of a
"<" in the first byte (plus, you MUST check that the rest of the header
is syntaxtically correct in order to avoid misinterpreting a malformed
old-style message).

So I am NOT going to propose a structured data element for this
information. It goes straight into the REQUIRED header.

When you think about a new-format message being received by a RFC3164
syslogd, this is probably the best way to handle it, too. Because a
RFC3164 syslogd sees this as a message without header, it will not try
to parse the rest of the message, which I think is the best that can be
done under the circumstances. A sufficiently smart new syslogd may even
be able to re-extract the -protocol message from a message that was
handled by 3164 syslogds in the middle of a relay chain.

So I think this discussion has brought us much value. At least I am very
happy with the outcome.

I will begin to change the draft in this spirit. I will try to finish it
by tomorrow - let's see how much is actually involved.

If someone objects my conclusions, I would appreciate if you could do
this as quickly as possible - not only to save me some time for the
edit, but also in the hope to do things quickly before the meeting ;)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Ross [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 11:20 AM
> To: Rainer Gerhards; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: syslog-protocol-01 posted & comments
> Rainer,
> We do need some way to positively identify the -protocol messages as
> being different to the old format messages.
> Either of the ways you have suggested would work.
> Anyone favour one method more than the other?
> Regards
> Andrew
> Rainer wrote...
> I think there is indeed a *big* issue. I may be totally missing the
> obvious, but how can a syslogd - IN A STANDARD WAY - differntiate
> between legacy syslog and -protocol? Its an honest question.
> Hoewever, the only answers I have seen to similar issues so
> far is "look
> at the headers and guess" - I think this is not good. Maybe we should
> REQUIRE a specifc structured data element to be present, to say "hey,
> this is new format" - this could solve it. Is that an idea?
> A sample for a REQUIRED structured data element:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] version="1"]
> Everything that does not have this structued data element, MUST be
> considered "old style", everthing that has it MUST be fully compliant
> with -protocol. A syslogd just implementing -protocol is free to drop
> all packets that do not have this element.
> How does this sound?
> Another approach may be to change the message format, eg. instead of
> <PRI>......
> -protcol may start with
> deliberately breaking compatibility.
> Comments are highly appreciated.
> Rainer

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