Getting WAY off topic here but if there would have been no disagreement
about slavery, there likely would have been no war. To the politicians,
it was all about slavery but there is no way they would have been able
to convince the citizenry to fight on that basis. There is no question
however that the slavery issue was an economic issue to most not a moral
one-on both sides.

Michael Bartolina wrote:

> Check your revisionist history books.  Slavery was
> ended in the south because it was economically
> advantageous to the North.  The civil war had as much
> to do with slavery as Michael Jordan's Nikes did with
> winning 5 rings.
> The only way to end drug use would be if it were
> economically advantageous to the richest and most
> powerful nations to do so.  Since that is not the
> case, I don't think we will see a decline in usage any
> time soon.
> Barto

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