Darkwing is dead.

Garry Hill siphoned off the best of you with his attempt to attract more
readers to his magazine. A lot of people, apparently, are buying into this
forum of large, long, ludicrous and loud dialogue that he now commands.
Garry Hill now corners the youth and collegiate email opinion market that
orginiated from this chatline in the 1990s.

To support what was a once noble but now crappy magazine.

I started on the line looking for a track and field community. Here I
found answers and connections. The high school, college, parents and even
elite athletes lurked or actively participated. Thanks to Europeans in
the 1990s I found Weltklasse, Van Damme, Monaco,and the European
Championships. And more. Results. The secret to Corfu.

Everything by way of results I fowarded to friends across the globe. I
found help and I appreciated reasoned and insightful replies from those
people who make track and field their living outside the athleticism...and
those athletes who had the courage and graciousness and forgiveness to
include us in their lives.

When Garry Hill deemed this a statistican's domain, and declared elite
track and field as the only topic, the high school and college kids and
most of the parents went elsewhere. In my estimation, he knocked the heart
and soul out of this t&f chatline. I agree, elite was the charter on which
this forum was created. But it became more useful and wonderful without
the rigidity of these rules.

Now, this chat line is simply tit for tat and boring at best.

Track and field is experiencing its highest participation rates among the
high school levels in the United States; this fact is continually quoted
to me. Where are you all? Who can verify this fact?

I live in New York City and I volunteer at the 168th Street Armory Track
and Field Center. It is primarily an indoor facility, but in the months
between December and March, it hosts almost 90 meets. Tens of thousands of
track and field participants from the high school, collegiate and
elite levels run here.

Imagine one of these kids accessing the chat line, like I did, thanks to
G. Tighe in Canada in 1997.

This forum is useless.
Sign me up for soccer now!

Track and field is not basketball and football (European/US)...it is
highly individual and formerly noble. The nobility lies in being the best
that you can be, against all odds, against everyone...a pursuit of

Kim Spir

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