Alan wrote:

>Trumping the trump card...

>It should also be known that KK isn't off my suspicion list either. I'm
>suspicious of any current or former WR holder or Olympic/World gold
>medalist. You can damn me for that opinion all you want but it is my
>and it won't change until WADA, USADA or any other anti-doping agency does
>better job which isn't likely to happen.

Well, Alan - the only thing that statement "damns you" to is utter

At this point, you're not posting content.  You're posting a repetitive
screed.  And you leave no basis for dialogue, except for others to accept
your premise.

So we can all duly note that Alan, in the absence of any data, is
"suspicious of any current or former WR holder or Olympic/World gold
medalist".  Which adds as much information to my life as knowing that Anne
Coulter has come up with a new way to label liberals as evil.

Since we all know your point of view, can you just quit posting it until
you have more than your gut feelings to substantiate it?


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