> I don't know about "short" people, but when I watch American distance
> compared to the Kenyans they always seem fat by comparison, no matter how
> anorexic they are. Don't fat cells form at a very young age, meaning that
> American diet puts us behind from the git-go?
> gh

Intersesting point that relates to a suspicion I have had about the decrease
in quality of American distance running as well as the increased number of
injuries in high school track and x/c.  Based on some observations and my
intuition, it seems that the more active a child is (not necessarily
running), the more training they can handle both in high school and college.
As more and more kids are less and less active, this tends to reduce the
quantity and quality of runners.  That doesn't mean that all successful
runners were very active as children - just a general tendency.

There are many reasons why American distance runners are not is good as they
used to be - this is just one possible contributing factor.  Maybe I'm way
off base, but it makes some intuitive sense.

- Ed Parrot

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