Darrell wrote:

> Such an arbitrary discussion.  I think we can pretty much agree that carl
> the greatest to date.  Time will be the only definition for Mo.
> As for Ben, he is no where near the top 5, and it has nothing to do with
> drug bust.  He was good sprinter, but that is all.  I do not think Libford
> near the top 5 either.  He won 2 majors (commendable), but other than that
> was a participant in some of the greatest races ever run.  He never truly
> dominanted his event at any point.
> The most dominant sprinters we have seen in our time are Carl, Mo, and
> Frankie.  Big time performers have been Carl, Mo, Valery, Donovan (ugh),
> Dennis Mitchell.  Thatīs right I said Dennis.  Check the records and you
> find him everywhere.  Check American records and you cannot see a
> championship without his name in it somewhere.
> Darrell Jr.

Hey Darrell long time no see .. Welcome back .. First I have to say that
Carl is NOT that easy a choice for the top spot .. Yes he had a long career
.. But he was not the number one sprinter during that time .. From 80 to 84
yes .. But after that it was first Ben who dominated him .. Then Burrell ..
Then he was just another sprinter after 91 .. And I always found it
interesting that while his crowning achievement was his 91 WC win (in a
season he DIDN'T dominate otherwise) in world record time over the deepest
field ever, he never was able to get even close to that form after that race
.. He peaked and totally dropped off .. So yes he had about 4 or so years of
dominance, which is about what others have had .. And then he was near the
top for about another 5 .. So on THAT basis I would give him an edge over Mo
.. But when I think of sprinters that everyone KNEW was going to win
whenever he stepped on the track THAT would be Bob Hayes .. And I give the
nod to Carl ever so slightly (over Mo) because not only has Mo been
dominate, he has been extremely fast .. Someone in another post talked about
Mo peaking .. I'm not sure how that came about .. Mo just runs fast all the
time .. His one great asset is his ability to always run fast in big meets
(averaging 9.84 in his 3 championship wins) .. But he runs just as fast
elsewhere .. Whereas Most of the others we have talked about have to peak
for the big ones ..

As for Dennis Mitchell and Frankie they were perennial runner ups .. They
definitely belong in a second echelon of sprinters - with perhaps Burrell,
Calvin Smith, perhaps Don Quarrie .. But not in the discussion greatest of
all time .. I would think that discussion is for the winners .. The
dominators .. Great in their own ways .. But not the greatest .. And I do
believe Linford belongs in that conversation .. Won WC and Oly gold .. And
dare I say that had he not false started out in Atlanta may have been closer
to the top of the list ..

Conway Hill

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