In a message dated Fri, 19 Jan 2001  6:05:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, "Conway" 

<<Convene a panel .. whatever .. When
ALL is complete you make a one time adjustment .. Of all records that need
adjusting .. You take out all "bad marks" and what you are left with are the
new records .. I actually think it could be good for the sport if played
properly because you will end up with the likes of Marion Jones, Cathy
Freeman, and Gail Devers at or near the top of the lists .. Current stars
who can be further touted .. Take the damned negative and play a positive
off of it .. How about :

Recent adjustments to all time lists finds Marion Jones best ever at 100 and
200 meters !!!! You could even say something like: As track and field goes
through the process of eliminating drug use in the sport and eliminating
marks made by previously drug tainted athletes in the 80's and 90's we find
today's stars leading the way with their outstanding marks and times !!!!!>>

Gee, what a great idea. What's the over-under on the Flojo family filing a 
multi-million dollar lawsuit for defamation of character? About 4 seconds? Yeah, sign 
me up for that panel.

No wait, I get it, not a paroblem, because our panel won't remove any American marks: 
1. because they're too litigious; 2. because know it's only those dirty foreigners who 
USED drugs (and I emphasize the past tense, because nobody does any more).


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