The Clown prince opined:
Get serious, our "big shoe deals, appearance fees, and endorsements contracts are based on performance,
not fan participation.  The fans buy Nike, Gatorade because of Michael Jordon,  I can't say I have seen Mo in any of those commercials, and track isn't on TV that often, thus why FANS complain, so Maurice would still get his money. 

This seals it for me ... proof that some of the people most involved in track at the highest levels (the athletes) don't have an IDEA ONE what is really happening in the business of track.
Your (as in YOU: Jon Drummond) contracts have clauses with "performance bonuses" in them if you are fortunate ... or really GOOD.  But, if there are NO FANS ... then there are no fans to buy TAFNews, no ad space purchased in the mag, no buyers of $120 track spikes, and no tickets/food and hotel space sold at meets ...and no money for your corporate sponsor to PAY THAT PERFORMANCE BONUS.
Without, as you say, "fan participation".  ... NO ... you are NOT GOING TO BE PAID anymore ... The reason that someone like Maurice makes as much as he does is because of EURO-PEAN FANS.  Lose them (like you are steadily losing the Americans) and you wouldn't have money for bus fare home.
No FANS = no tickets at Euro meets
No FANS = no advertising $$ at the meets
No FANS = no advertising $$ during the telecast of the meet
No FANS = no shoe and kit exposure to MILLIONS of fans watching throughout the world.
No FANS = no promotional tie-ins with other Multi-million dollar products
Money makes the track world go 'round ... not Gatorade ... but GATORADE DOLLARS.
And who is Michael Jordon?   Is he France's answer to America's Michael Jor-DAN?  Don't say typos happen ... the "A" to the "O" is  a lot of real estate.
Best way to boost your perceived IQ:
CHOOSE :          Tools/Options/Spelling/
Check the "Always check spelling before sending" BOX.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: t-and-f: New rules

     How convienient to call track a "pro sport" when the changes are
against the athlete, but when changes are for the athlete we are called
"amatuers and should do it for the love of the sport."  
>Why not?  Why not change the rules to benefit the fans? 
      The reason this particular rule shouldn't be changed to benefit the
fans is because the fans sit directly behind and on the side of the starting
line.  They take pictures, talk, open food wrappers etc. during the start of
many races, thus causing distractions.  Sprinters/hurdlers are trained to
react to the first sound they hear.  There are many fans out there who
intentionally make noise at the starting line just to see if they can cause a
false start.  While you may think this is untrue, just listen to the sudden
noises when the athletes come to set.

>If all the track fans in the world somehow disappeared next Monday, all of
>Maurice Greene's big shoe deals, appearance fees, and endorsement contracts
>would be gone by Thursday. 

      LOL  I agree with one point, fans are somehow disapearing, but it's
not due to false starts, secondly, Maurice Greene would just play football if
all of the fans stopped watching track LOL.   Get serious, our "big shoe
deals, appearance fees, and endorsements contracts are based on performance,
not fan participation.  The fans buy Nike, Gatorade because of Michael
Jordon,  I can't say I have seen Mo in any of those commercials, and track
isn't on TV that often, thus why FANS complain, so Maurice would still get
his money.

>And in any event, it's not the pleasing fans, per se, that I'm interested
>in - it's improving the sport. And improving the sport is what the proposed
>false start rule seeks to do - that's why I favor it.

      If your interest is in pleasing the sport, then you should be against
this rule.  The two false start rule was put in place for a reason.  It is to
make for a fair race rather than a fixed one.  While everyone thinks the
athletes are the ones who cheat, here is a thought in the pan, DO STARTERS

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