
I am not sure who wrote this:
> >Get serious, our "big shoe deals, appearance fees, and
> >endorsements contracts are based on performance,
> >not fan participation.

This is plain wrong. Certainly performance matters but you just ask John 
Capriotti what is more important to him a gold medal or "other" criteria. 
 My sponsorship with New balance came when I was ranked 8th in the 
U.S.   I got that sponsorship over Curt Clausen (4th in the 99 Worlds)  
because I do clinics, lots of small road races with lots of walkers in 
them. and I am well known within racewalking.  Curt is well known but 
only because he races.  My word on a pair shoes is a s good as gold 
because I take the time to pass the word.  That is the way it is with 
everyone.  Even Mo.  WHo I think does bring a great deal to the table.

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