Dear Brian,
You said, in quite a nasty way,
"And who is Michael Jordon?   Is he France's answer to
America's Michael
Jor-DAN?  Don't say typos happen ... the "A" to the
"O" is  a lot of real estate. Best way to boost your
perceived IQ:
CHOOSE :          Tools/Options/Spelling/
Check the "Always check spelling before sending"

A number of points,

1. I never heard of Michael Jor-DAN. There is a great
basketball player called Michael Jordan though.:)The
"-DAN" to the "dan" is  a lot of real estate. 
2.Your perceived IQ would appear to be even worse than
the guy who either made a typo or just spelled Jordan
incorrectly, because  I spell checked your email and
the following spellings appear incorrect.


3. Your grammar also leaves a lot to be desired (as
does mine. But its a bit rich of you to complain about
someone elses spelling if your own spelling and
grammar is so poor.

Whats that saying about stones and glass houses?

Lay off criticising (yes thats the correct
spelling)typos or spelling errors. It does nothing to
help your argument.


--- "Mcewen, Brian T" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Clown prince opined:
> >>>>>>
> Get serious, our "big shoe deals, appearance fees,
> and endorsements
> contracts are based on performance, 
> not fan participation.  The fans buy Nike, Gatorade
> because of Michael
> Jordon,  I can't say I have seen Mo in any of those
> commercials, and track
> isn't on TV that often, thus why FANS complain, so
> Maurice would still get
> his money. 
> >>>>>>>
> This seals it for me ... proof that some of the
> people most involved in
> track at the highest levels (the athletes) don't
> have an IDEA ONE what is
> really happening in the business of track.
> Your (as in YOU: Jon Drummond) contracts have
> clauses with "performance
> bonuses" in them if you are fortunate ... or really
> GOOD.  But, if there are
> NO FANS ... then there are no fans to buy TAFNews,
> no ad space purchased in
> the mag, no buyers of $120 track spikes, and no
> tickets/food and hotel space
> sold at meets ...and no money for your corporate
> sponsor to PAY THAT
> Without, as you say, "fan participation".  ... NO
> ... you are NOT GOING TO
> BE PAID anymore ... The reason that someone like
> Maurice makes as much as he
> does is because of EURO-PEAN FANS.  Lose them (like
> you are steadily losing
> the Americans) and you would

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