You're showing your Wazzoo bias.  (I knew Gerry 20 years ago, as 
well.)  Yes Lindgren is among the greatest American distance runners, and 
yes both his high school and collegiate careers are only surpassed by Pre 
and Nyambui.  And I agree absolutely that he should be in the Hall of 
Fame.  But his world class career really is only comparable to Shorter's, 
and Shorter performed better in the Olympics, and was at the top of US 
running when it was at its best.  Kennedy's performances are overshadowed 
by the emergence of the African runners, who were barely a presence during 
Lindgren's career.  I don't rate Shorter and Kennedy as far ahead of 
Lindgren, but a step.

Of course, this question is impossible to resolve and is based on our 
respective opinions.


>Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 23:18:51 EST
>Subject: Re: t-and-f: better than Lindgren? (was: Ranking HS distance greats
>In a message dated Tue, 27 Mar 2001  6:34:03 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
>Richard McCann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
><< You're right.  I am looking at their high school careers not overall 
>careers.  For example, I'm not considering either Frank Shorter or Bob 
>Kennedy, who really blossomed collegiately and later but have to be 
>considered on the same level as Pre and Virgin career-wise, and better 
>than Lindgren. >>
>You're joking, right?
>Neither Shorter, Pre, Virgin nor Kennedy have an OVERALL career that 
>remotely compares with Lindgren's. He absolutely stomps the crap out of 
>any of them as both a prep and a collegian, and his forays into the open 
>ranks on the track are right up there with any of the others.
>I don't know whether to laugh or cry every year when a stiff who couldn't 
>carry his jock gets into the Hall of Fame and he's not even nominated.

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