Hi Darrell,
You wrote:
<< The marketing department has decided that
they need the stars there to help promote the event.>>
You are probably right about this.  However, my objection was the
characterization of this as exploitation.  Granted, this was not a word you
used, so perhaps I am overstating your case.

<<And folks, no matter how much you
want to knock it, all of this is being required for free. >>
Yes, but if USATF started charging all track athletes their fair share of
the costs of governing the sport, then there would be none able to afford
it.  If one wants to run unencumbered by the rules imposed by USATF, then
they needed to start doing so BEFORE they became a star - not after first
taking advantge of the infrastructure to get to star status.

Don't mistake my intent here, I certainly think MJ does (and even more the
HSI group does) a great deal to promote the sport - both by excellence in
performance and through extra-athletic activities.  But I certainly don't
think USATF is using them unfairly, and I would still be critical of any
athlete complaining that the goose that laid their golden egg is asking for
free food.

<<As to your point about others losing their spots, spare me the noise.  Go
talk to Curtis Johnson, and Danny McCray.  Curtis took second at the trials,
and ran on the two fastest 4x100 of the year before he was arbitrarily
off the team in Sydney.  Danny spent a month in Sydney only to be supplanted
by Angelo Taylor.  Taking spots is the least of my concerns about fairness
these relay issues. >>

Yes, but don't you think this helps my position more than hinders it?
Clearly relay selection is a complex issue that does not lend itself to
simple, objective rules.  Nevertheless, I would oppose any move towards more
subjective criterea (i.e. political and corruptible) such as the selection
of MJ simply because of his past credentials and a lack of interest in
participating in the US National's.  That just semms a rather un-American
way of choosing the American realy team.


Faith is a road seldom traveled
Let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus,
the author and finisher of our faith" Hebrews 12: 1-2

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