Patrice Wilson wrote:

> At 10:59 AM 7/19/01 -0500, Wayne T. Armbrust wrote:
> >I have never been involved in Youth Athletics, so please excuse what may be a
> >dumb question, but has anyone ever proposed aligning our age groups with the
> >international age groups, i.e., making Young Men and Young Women unable to
> >turn
> >18 during the year?
> >
> >Wayne, the problem with that situation in the U.S. is that internationally
> >they run an age group program of 19-under as well as 23 -under.  They have
> >no collegiate programs.  That's why Canada follows our format instead of
> >Europe, because they also run collegiate programs.
> >

I still don't see why we can't align our youth age groups with the rest of the
world.  We are forced to use the international definition of a junior when sending
people to the World Juniors, and we also follow this at our Junior Championships.
Why can't we adopt international definitions for the other age groups?

Wayne T. Armbrust, Ph.D.
3604 Grant Ct.
Columbia MO 65203-5800 USA
(573) 445-6675 (voice & FAX)
"Know the difference between right and wrong...
Always give your best effort...
Treat others the way you'd like to be treated..."
- Coach Bill Sudeck (1926-2000)

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