<<< Farce?! I'd pay good money to see a race like this any day of the week.

Come to my local track, any weeknight.  My friends and I will be glad to
provide a thrilling 7-man duel over 12.5 laps.  We will be happy to run 2.5
minutes off our PR's, with an ungodly-fast last lap, and a winner who upsets
the formcharts every time out.

How much money is "good money"?

/Brian McEwen

P.S.  I thought watching skinny guys run fast over 2 laps was what the 800m
was for?

P.P.S.  Sorry to razz you gh, I enjoy "racing" as well, but this is shameful
from guys this good.  The "essence of REAL racing" should include honest
effort and pain also.

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