Kurt Bray wrote:

> The question I have for this particular race is: why?  What's the point of
> everyone running like that?  I don't get it.
> As it is, this race reminds me of those absurd bicycle velodrome races where
> they creep around the track at a near standstill and then burst into a
> furious sprint right at the end, or those boring basketball games where both
> teams stall for the entire game.  Is this what we want track and field races
> to evolve into?  If so, count me out.

At least there is some rationale for the bicycle race evolving as it does since
the effect of being out front as opposed to drafting is so much greater on the

Wayne T. Armbrust, Ph.D.
3604 Grant Ct.
Columbia MO 65203-5800 USA
(573) 445-6675 (voice & FAX)
"Know the difference between right and wrong...
Always give your best effort...
Treat others the way you'd like to be treated..."
- Coach Bill Sudeck (1926-2000)

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