In a message dated Thu, 6 Sep 2001 12:01:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

>  OK, GH and the others who praised the World Indoor jog and sprint for its drama - 
>does the drama still hold when it plays out over 14 minutes before
anything happens, instead of 3?>>

At the risk of waxing Clintonian, define "something happening."

I would posit that one of the reasons that TV doesn't show distance races in their 
entirety is that no matter what the speed, much (even most) of the time is spent 
running at a fairly constant speed with few changes in order. So is it any more 
exciting to watch them plod at 63-second pace than it is 73-second?

At least with the slow race, you know you're going to see one heck of a mad dash to 
the tape at some point, with everybody still full of fight, rather than it being who 
dies least.

I haven't seen tape of Goodwill 5K yet, but w/ 4 guys finishing within 0.60 (and all 7 
within 4 seconds) i bet that last lap provided more excitement than the 13-flat race 
did in Edmonton (and that was great).


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