You don't even put Ivanova in the top ten?  In a year with very few WRs,
you skip someone who smashes one?  Another example of prejudice against
walkers, Phil.  I bet Athletics Weekly ranks her in the top ten (assuming
they have rankings).

Philip J Wyckoff wrote:

> The big question here is where the voters will put Yegorova. I think
> they'll be divided and she'll end up either just squeaking in or out of
> top 10 completely. My position is that as she was not disqualified by
> IAAF, in accordance with their rules, her season should be considered
> with full merit. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
> Women's AOY
> Top contenders:
> Marion Jones. Obviously not her best season, yet with only one loss, and
> a solid year of good (for MJ) and not great performances she deserves to
> be in top 5.
> Mutola: WC and 3 top times and victories. Lost  2x to Graf, but beat her
> 3x and in bigger meets. The two were much closer than their male
> counterparts Bucher?Borzakovsy.
> Szekely: Almost a clean season, but the one loss was a big one at
> Edmonton against Szabo who didn't contest the 1500 much. She was under
> 4.02 8X.  She'll win the selection for best in the 1500.
> Yegorova: 3x under 8.24 in 3000. Close to WR in 5000. Undefeated season
> in 3 to 5K. Focused on 3000, had only 1 5000 race under 15, and also ran
> 4.02.6 in 1500. My choice for no: 2.
> Bidouane: Only 1 loss prior to Edmonton. Clear winner at  WC with great
> time, inevitable let down afterwards. 4x under 54 (+1 at 54.02).
> Dragila: Clear choice for No. 1. 10x over 15’. 2 WR in one meet. 6x over
> 15.5.75. Yet she came so close to losing the WC to waif Feofanova, who,
> IMHO should be in top 10 too. ( 8x over 15' and, as far as I can tell,
> lost only to Stacy.
> Lebedeva: Great season with 50'+ at Edmonton and 2'+ win. 5 top  marks
> over 48'7. Lost 3x to Marinova, but beat her decisively at WC and on at
> least 3 other occasions.
> Menendez: One of the best Javelin seasons of all time. 6 of top 10
> throws. Huge series at WC (2x over 69 metres, 2 at 218', only one throw
> less than 2d place Tzeliili. WC and WR. Lost only to her Cuban team
> mates.
> Kuzenkova: she'll win the ranking race but lost by one inch to Moreno at
> WC. Had 6 of top 10.
> Korolchik: lost only once, had 4 of top 10 and was WC by 2'5".
> My choices:
> 1. Dragila.
> 2. Yegorova.
> 3. Menendez.
> 4. Jones.
> 4. Lebedeva.
> 5. Bidouane.
> 6. Szekely.
> 7.  Mutola.
> 8. Korolchik.
> 9. Feofanova.
> 10. Kuzenkova.
> My heart wasn't in this, for obvious reasons (9-11). I completed it 10
> days ago and am now just sending it.
> Phil Wyckoff
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