To the list:

In the thread on the European Cross Country Championships
a few days ago, the timing company involved in producing the
splits was erroneously and reopeatedly identified as 
Championship Chip.


The timing was done by Winning Time, an Italian company 
which has an American branch in Colorado.

This is the technology which was used for all the road races
at the recent World Track and Field Championships in Edmonton.

One of its advantages is that it is very good at determining
that several

An article written just before Edmonton for the IAAF Web Site 
( reads in part:

"When it comes to the road races -- the marathons and the walks -- Seiko 
and an Italian company called Winning Time have jointly developed a 
transponder-based system that times and records the 5km splits of every 
competing athlete. It uses a lightweight, weather-tight transponder chip 
carried in a Velcro ankle bracelet. At each 5km point on the course, the 
athlete passes over a mat which contains an antenna that sends out a signal 
to the athlete's chip and receives a the athlete's identifying code in return.
This is matched to the athlete's time and recorded, and can be displayed on 
the stadium scoreboard less than a second after the athlete crosses the mat. 
Like the flash timer, these splits are not official. But they're almost 
always accurate within a second."

Actually, I believe they're a lot closer than "within a second," probably 
within 0.1 second in most cases. 

One of the advantages of Winning Time's technology is that it is
able to read and distinguish between several runners crossing the split mat
at almost the same time. This is especially important, of course, in longer
road races, where it's important to know if each finisher actually covered
the entire course. I'm not sure about other companies' ability to
do this as well as Winning Time does. 

I understand that Winning Time will be used in the upcoming Houston Marathon.
I hope to be there and check it out for myself.

jim dunaway

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