I'm not a chip expert, but I recently worked with a champion chip crew at a
large marathon. The race timing was started by the gun and individuals were
recorded as they crossed the finish mat. The official results were "gun
times". A few complained that Boston accepts "chip times" and they should
have been credited with faster times. The chip only carries the runners ID.
It does not need to be "started" when the runner crosses the start line.
That still leaves the problem of separating close finishes. If more powerful
mats were used, the chip could probably be attached to the torso, but then
some folks would get worried about electromagnetic radiation (transmission
line syndrome).
Ed Prytherch

Mike wrote -
.  However, somethings still have to be worked out for cross country races
> it is to be used as the official timing/scoring system. One being all the
transponders have to start
> with the gun (not a mat that has to be crossed at the start like in a road

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