OK, why is distance running not popular in the US but fly fishing gets great 
ESPN time?  Why can't the general public watch a 13 minute 5k, but I have 
co-workers (in NYC, not down south) getting amped to work half a day so they 
can sit on their couch and watch machines speed around a track 500 times?  
Its all about advertising.  Television advertising.  Now, I tried a few 
years ago to e-mail Craig Masback about this and all I kept getting in 
response was: "USATF's budget is only a million dollars, we can't do 
anything about it."

Well, my first issue is, if USATF's budget is really only a million bucks, 
Masback and his crew SUCK!  I could probably raise a million dollars given a 
year's time for something much less interesting than the development of 
America's Track and Field athletes.  Come on!  Having said that, once 
someone, ANYONE, raises enough money to air commercials for USATF, I have a 
great idea to help promote the support.  It will help sponsors like Nike, 
Adidas and Fila, too, because the whole point of the campaign would be to 
get American Distance runners exposure.  The more people who know who Tim 
Broe is, the more runners who are likely to buy adidas shoes, and the more 
likely people are to go watch meets on TV, and the more likely people are to 
pay money to actually go and sit in the stands of a competition.  OK... so 
here is my idea:

You take about 7 athletes...


and you have a split screen on the TV.  Half of the screen is the person 
from the chest on up talking, the second half of the screen is a clip of him 
in his event... preferably a clip of him winning a race, beating an African, 
setting a record, etc.  These are things the general public can relate to.

The clip would go something like this:

"My name is Bob Kennedy, I'm 32 years old and the American Record Holder in 
the 3000 and 5000 meters.  When I'm hot, I can run with anyone in the world, 
Kenyans, Moroccans, American's.  Some people think I'm too old to continue 
at this level... well, they have a lot to learn."

"My name is Tim Broe, I'm 24 years old and the American Record Holder in the 
indoor 3000 meters.  Bob Kennedy better realize, the torch of American 
Distance Running has been passed, only this time, I'm bringing home a medal 
in 2004"

"My name is Alan Webb, I'm 19 years old and the High School mile record 
holder.  In 3 years time, I'm going to be chasing gold in Greece."

Etc etc etc.

I know, perhaps my clips aren't very original or engaging enough, but I'm 
not an advertising exec... I just think its a good idea to try and get the 
public to know who these guys are and to build up some rivalries even if 
they don't really exist.  Have Goucher come on and shoot his mouth about 
being the best until being dethroned (a clip of him beating Kennedy would be 
a good one).  Have them all talk about beating Kenyans and how they have 
done it (Ritz at 3k Cross for example, or Webb "chasing down" the WR holder 
El G at Pre) a number of times and how they are closing the gap.  Steal one 
of Nike's advertising geniuses, I'm sure they could put together an exciting 
and somewhat controversial commercial.  Something as small as this, run on a 
few prime time stations, would stir up National interest immensely.  Why has 
this not happened yet?  What is Craig waiting for?  And what do you all 
think about the idea?


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