No, three words brought back the NBA from near death: Magic, Larry, and Michael. Zippy 
the Chimp
could have written that advertising campaign.

Michael Contopoulos wrote:

> Glen,
> Nominate me to head USATF and I'll do better than that.  I will prove your
> assertations false while raising millions of dollars and developing a core
> set of distance and middle distace runners capable of running with and
> beating anybody on the scene.  I'm a man with little tolerance for
> incompetence, and sadly, that is all I see in USATF.  Being 24 years old
> with nothing more than a bachelor's degree and 2 years work experience, I
> don't think I am in the best position to make an impact like I would like to
> someday.  HOWEVER, I can tell you this much, given the authority and power
> to surround myself with knowledgable people, older and wiser than myself, I
> am 100% confident I can out lead Craig Masback and bring this sport to a new
> level.  Look at soccer: a sport similar to t-n-f in that there is wide high
> school participation, it is huge in Europe, but the post college domestic
> scene was seriously lacking.  It is still not where it wants to be, but
> soccer is surely worlds ahead of track and field in this country.  And you
> are wrong about advertising... the NBA was about to go broke when an
> agressive advertising campaign and restructuring plan under commssioner
> David Stern brought it back from the dead.  You are underestimating the
> power TV.
> Mike
> >Subject: Re: t-and-f: USATF Advertising idea...
> >Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 11:21:53 EST
> >
> >In a message dated 1/30/02 8:23:59 AM Central Standard Time,
> >[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> >
> > > OK, why is distance running not popular in the US but fly fishing gets
> >great
> > > ESPN time?  Why can't the general public watch a 13 minute 5k, but I
> >have
> > > co-workers (in NYC, not down south) getting amped to work half a day so
> > > they
> > > can sit on their couch and watch machines speed around a track 500
> >times?
> > > Its all about advertising.  Television advertising.
> >
> >Michael... it is NOT all about television advertising. In fact, I would
> >posit
> >that the popularity (or lack thereof) of distance running in the U.S. has
> >little to do with the sport's TV exposure. Heck, they can show baseball 24
> >hours a day on TV and I still won't like it, or watch it. Same goes for
> >beer... surely the most advertised product on primetime sports TV, but I
> >still am not remotely interested in it. And NASCAR? Heck, I live "in the
> >south" and I wouldn't watch that garbage if it was the ONLY thing on TV.
> >
> >People like what they like for odd reasons, and no amount of slapping them
> >in
> >the face with endless "cute" or "touching" or "cool" ads will change that
> >much.
> >
> >As for your assertion that you could easily raise millions of dollars for
> >an
> >ad campaign... then just do it (sorry, Nike...). Talk is cheap. Once you
> >get
> >that first million, come back and share with us how easy it was. And by the
> >way, you'll have to operate under the same restrictions as USATF, i.e. no
> >"ownership" of athletes and their images.
> >
> >Glen McMicken
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